St. Dominic students in Grades K through 8 participate in an innovative, cross-curricular Information Technology course. In addition, the school’s technology instructor works closely with teachers to ensure that technology is integrated seamlessly into the students’ content learning, and the students' content learning is integrated into the technology lessons.
The Technology Curriculum begins in the primary grades with focus on the basics: learning to use the mouse; keyboarding; and ways to safely navigate the Internet. The students begin to learn coding and use technology to support their budding math and literacy skills. As the students get older, the curriculum evolves to include digital citizenship, delving into questions such as, “How do people of faith conduct themselves online?" Students learn how to use the Google Suite of products as well as coding skills and real world technology applications.
The school is 100% committed to maintaining the infrastructure necessary to support new and emerging technologies. In addition to Interactive Boards and regularly updated WiFi, the school offers an impressive computer lab with two 3D printers, high graphic monitors for engineering design projects, a poster printer, a Cricut machine, iPads, laptops and a green screen for student use. Chromebooks are issued to each student in grades 5-8.